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In the end, we have a brand new

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In the end, we have a brand new n'a encore rien posté


Date de début
25-02-22 - 10:19


Date de fin
28-02-22 - 10:13
La description

Another time, MI NBA captures the essence of the passion for basketball. It also takes the NBA and goes beyond the professional leagues. It means that , beyond the story is woven as we move forward we'll be immersed in the culture of basketball. Surrounded by brands and activities which encourage us to play games on fields in the city to release shoes, or appreciate the content and events suggested.

In addition to the plot itself, NBA 2K22 ties everything to a robust progression system that introduces additional activities that can be enjoyed both online and offline, such as themed Fridays, as well as the normal events that occur regularly. Continuously encouraging us to explore on what the city, or the Cancha del Mar can offer our players, they also allow us to unlock rewards, and, as a result, to leave games' currency inside our characters built for the occasion.

The second aspect of NBA 2K22 is the opposite experience: the MyTEAM franchise model, the ambitious stage of NBA collectible cards . In this mode, we can create our very own Dream Team and, in the process, speculate wildly with the best. Players of the past and present. This is especially true when is the first year that a new type of charts with holographic technology has been released.

The basic concept is the same as in the past: start with an initial team, then build with luck and perseverance the greatest team of players in the history of football and play in predefined challenges offline modes and all kinds of of games played online. Rewarding each little progress, translating our achievements into awards and encouraging us try a new game and earn the most delicious rewards.

If you're looking for new features, the most appealing is MyTEAM: Draft it is basically similar to FIFA's FUT Draft which is just as intriguing: they're qualifying events with spectacular prizes. Each time we open an exciting new Draft we will have seven very exceptional card packs and from the assortment of them we can choose the 13 we like or are most interesting to assemble the definitive team.

In the end, we have a brand new, extremely powerful multiplayer game which in turn allows us to continue collecting and participating in the remainder of MyTEAM content. Sometimes it's because of the desire for more, but sometimes it's due to an intentional promotion of FOMO syndrome, and most of the time out of sheer fun and competitiveness.

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