Badges are a crucial part of every MyPlayer build for NBA 2K22 Cover Image


Badges are a crucial part of every MyPlayer build for NBA 2K22

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Date de début
18-01-22 - 08:00


Date de fin
25-11-22 - 05:00
La description

Badges are a crucial part of every MyPlayer build for NBA 2K22. They could be the difference between an unprofessional build that is unable to perform both offline and online play and a quality build that is able to do the job. This is the reason you shouldn't neglect this portion of the build, especially when looking at Defensive and Rebounding badges. If you need some advice regarding which badges that your build is running, let's go over our top choices.

Power forwards and centers may be tempted to write this badge into their plans. The Ball Stripper badge gives the holder chances of forcing turn when trying the stripping of a layup or lay down near a basket. This is an excellent tool when weaker players try to tackle the paint and can be extremely helpful when forcing turnovers.

Point guards, and more important, shooting guards, small and power forwards, should be wearing at least the Clamps badge. Clamps was probably the most popular badge in NBA 2K21, and is back for 2K22. Clamps enhances holders' abilities to stay within the ball handler on the outside.

The players with Clamps have access to quicker cut moves and are more efficient in bumping the ball handler. This badge is pivotal if you want any chance of stopping sharp-shooting guards and forwards who are prone for dropping mid-range shots. This badge will let you remain in front of them, and thus, give you greater chance of getting hands in front , and thus, preventing a clean shot.

The majority of players may be able to utilize this badge, however big men, specifically, may be eligible to wear the badge. Offensive players that are paired up with those who wear the Intimidator badge will have less success when trying to shoot a shot that is contested. It is essential to challenge shots in stopping baskets, however an additional boost could be of use. Consider incorporating this badge into your game if you can. If you want to know more about can go