It is now certain that 120 skillcapes Cover Image


It is now certain that 120 skillcapes

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Date de début
09-11-21 - 09:24


Date de fin
29-09-22 - 09:24
La description

I was playing a lot as I waited at the GE Bank. I finally told him that i was aware the ruse. He proceeded to log off. His name was lvi SmiIe.

It is now certain that 120 skillcapes will be released. to be released. Consequences of the cape: High-level players now have an alternative option if they never want to get Max or Completionist. The probabilities are that the statistics for the cape are less than those of a Max cape.

Standard 99 capes will not be valued. Capes with 120 will likely be less popular as the Max cape, depending on what skill the 120 is. 120 is approximately equal to the amount of XP as 899s. This could result in 120 cape owner's elitist attitude towards players with 99 skill.

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