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Justin cornish Inscrit: 3 ans

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Justin cornish Inscrit: 3 ans

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Justin cornish Inscrit: 3 ans

Publié: 2 ans
Quotes from Binary options brokers
For technical analysis, terminals designed for the FOREX market (MT4) are most often used. There are two prices on FOREX: the purchase price and the sale price. You can see similar things on bank signs, where it says the purchase price of foreign currencies and the sale price – it differs. Binary Options brokers have only one price – this is the average value between the purchase price and the sale price. That is why there is a difference in quotes.
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Many are wondering whether it is worth taking the bonuses offered by the broker? In this case, the answer will not be universal.
Initially, the bonus is a way to keep the trader on the platform. This is a kind of wall that does not allow traders to leave the broker at their first desire. The bonus is given for a reason, as a rule, in order to withdraw funds after taking the bonus, it is necessary to make a certain amount. The volume is 10 times more than the bonus itself. This causes problems.
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