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Do royal trouble and then as Kemo stated

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Do royal trouble and then as Kemo stated n'a encore rien posté


Date de début
06-01-22 - 10:19


Date de fin
31-01-22 - 10:13
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If the job is higher than that, then my one suggestion would be to use the dungeon in brimhaven. There are a variety of the mentioned options but you'll need to face the terror dogs, too. Unfortunately, there's not a number of great options for larger dogs (no pun intended) however, you need to continue fighting, even if you're facing those.

I'm not sure. For example, if you use Esc to close your bank it will require coordinates to find that X in order to shut down the bank, making it automated and therefore illegal. Pressing F10 also switches between equipment and banks, that is not an 1:1 input-to-output. Transferring from equipment to the bank can be a multitude of tasks and is also impossible to do with 1 click unless you are hacking the game to enable it to do this.

If this isn't the case then develop on the things you would like it to accomplish. I did not understand the question you asked, but I made an attempt. It's hard to say where you've been. But there's that button in the bank that displays the equipment you have in a single click... So long as it's 1:1 , i don't think it's a big deal as Jagex themselves added hotkey's for making F1 and F2 available. did not know about that, so you don't have to idiot about it...

The problem is still that you're getting more than 1 output for a single keypress. This isn't possible this unless hacking the game applet to add extra key bindings. You could accomplish this via an external program but that isn't one input to 1 output. That's one input (Esc or F10) to multiple outputs (cursor movements and clicks.) The only thing you can do is force esc to do the mouse click. This makes it unimportant since you could do that using Mousekeys.

If you haven't done it yet completed it, do Royal Trouble because it lets you contribute more to the coffers. I'm guessing you won't in the game for long time, so as soon as possible, put 7.5m of funds in your coffers (talk to Advisor Ghrimm and select "Manage"), and make sure you set Maples to MAX workers and herbals to 50% workers.

This way, you'll be able to be able to go for 90+ days with no collecting anything from your kingdom , and still earn the maximum amount of money. Personally, I put in more than 750k (75k*8) and collect every Wednesday. There will be less appeal, and it will not be max. The last time I looked it up, I did it every day to completely max out but I instead checked it every few days.

Do royal trouble and then as Kemo stated, 100 herbs and 50 maples are a lot of consistency 100 maple 50 herb can give you really nice weeks with seeds. Yeah, that's exactly what I was referring to. I'm constantly forgetting about the difference between the two. In addition, I'm fairly certain it's only relevant if the approbation is completely when you take it, not on a regular basis.

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