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Anyone who is willing to come forward

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Anyone who is willing to come forward n'a encore rien posté


Date de début
15-12-21 - 10:19


Date de fin
31-12-21 - 10:07
La description

If you don't see something buy or sell immediately, don't get worry. If it's not buying, it's because you're buying at a lower price, and only those who aren't concerned or in desperate need of cash will sell it for medium. The item is likely to be sold by the end of the day.

If it's not selling then it's likely to be an item that's not in high demand, which means you've picked a bad item, or the price you've set is too high. I don't suggest taking the price lower for more than a day or two after you've put the offer up. Rememberthat merchandising doesn't happen overnight; it takes lots of patience.

I would recommend buying everything from the g.e. If you're using raw materials such as raw logs, fish as well as herbs. I would suggest selling it directly on the streets at one price per unit. If you're selling something else (basically non-skilling items) then I'd sell it on the g.e. It may take a while, but this is the best option because it's more difficult to locate someone who's looking for 10 dragon platelegs, rather than 2k nature runes.

When you're first starting your merchandising, I'd suggest at a minimum of 10-m in length or greater. One general tip: don't worry about making a loss in the beginning. It happens to us all. When I started my first runescape game, I lost about 6m on one day. It's not difficult to keep it up and you'll understand the economics and market dynamics of running escapist better. I've cut back on merchandising in favour of skilling, and it's an excellent, time-saving method to earn money.

At level 74, I've already earned 200 quest points, and I've been doing quests since I reached level 15. I would like a recommendation for equipment and inventory (food or potions, for instance.) for questing in general. Things to keep close.

Anyone who is willing to come forward. It's always good to have a large supply of various potions and materials like ropes. Having a main set of combat gear of any type is good too. Such as having dragon hide for bosses which include powerful mage attacks and mage gear as well as runes in case you require it in your quests.

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