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o clarify on OSRS Gold the previous sentence

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o clarify on OSRS Gold the previous sentence n'a encore rien posté


Date de début
30-08-21 - 08:11


Date de fin
31-08-21 - 08:11
La description

We do not wish to be in the spotlight for driving community conversation. While a few other subreddits may have an extremely visible mod existence, that is not something we're considering. If we have an important message to get across, that is one thing, but mod articles from us are very infrequent. In a nutshell, we believe the subreddit ought to be the community's voice, not the community's voice directed by subreddit mods.

I really don't think anyone in any capacity anticipates a plug and play solution nor expects anybody in the mod team to break their back for no pay. Filters require maintenance to correctly function, take spam filters for e-mail; that's decades of effort to make sure the Nigerian prince doesn't make it to your own inbox and hell occasionally it still doesn't work, sometimes my 2FA winds up in spam, but we still don't delete a spam filter. I just wish to clarify that I'm not talking you at some presser or some thing simply having a dialog.

I believe this just strengthens not only the argument for getting an Automod notify potential new posters of this'gentleman's agreement', or even formally separating them. You have a virtual'desire path' going on where your community has made a decision to segregate the material, do not you think you need to listen to them? These are all growing pains and nothing else that can not be sorted out over time, its one thing to state that no one gets the drive or ability to maintain a filter right now but don't make it outside to be an impossible effort. I also feel like I am in a soviet court house and the bailiff was told to shoot the man who jaywalked, bro you do not need to delete OSRS or phishing posts in this case simply have automod comment on it with information pointing folks in the ideal direction.

Unless we are referring to a filter limiting what can be stated on the subreddit I am really confused about why anyone would want to skip a filter which provides them with advice. If supposedlyy'all attempted to knock down some key questions or phrases being thrown about this sub from time to time then yeah it is a'difficulty' (You men wouldn't be the first game sub to have it, blink twice if Jagex hasy'all hostage) for you guys but I do not see a lot of people hoping to submit"connection - totally no ph15h guiys" or"I think this is a p h 1 5 h ing attempt guys" or"look at this cool drop I received on ess are ess" just so they do not possess a comment on their post out of a bot.

No worries about the grilling concern. I am just trying to be thorough in my replies. The email entry filter was viewed as a low priority fix, and such articles were (and are) becoming caught in other filters, therefore it was deemed unnecessary for now. However, the other filters aren't specially designed for those articles, so only part are getting flagged. Once more of the important tasks are completed, we will take a look at a number of the lower priority ones. It would not require much time to receive a setup set up to start testing a better version. Also, a majority of subreddit moderation is not visible openly, so while it may seem that we're not doing anything occasionally, there is a great deal that goes on behind the scenes in addition to approving/removing articles and comments.
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