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Farmers plant seeds and harvest the fruits

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Farmers plant seeds and harvest the fruits n'a encore rien posté


Date de début
06-08-21 - 03:00


Date de fin
07-08-21 - 11:00
La description

Farmers plant seeds and harvest the fruits, but farming is so much more. There are many farmers who are able to have animals. Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could take care of pigs and cattle or, if you are lucky enough to be lucky, even a dragon ranch? Incorporating animals into farming could be a fun way to look at the art of farming and more reason to start farming to begin with.

It will talk when it is dead: Hey man! It's not true! This isn’t a monster. It's just one man in an outfit! Grrrrr, I'm begging you to give me your bag! He stole it. Who? I'm not even sure who it was. I was walking along, enjoying the idiot in the tent, until someone came out of nowhere and punched me really hard. He took the bag. This is not the worst part. What's the worst thing? He claimed that theft was not right and that pranks are a joke! It was dark outside, but the man did not appear to be human.
At this moment, Nickolaus will have worked up the courage to come find you and the prankster will be shot with a poisoned dart. What is this isn't it? This isn’t an Piscatoris Monster. He's a fool. Hey, is the dart poisoned? It was poisoned. I saved you from harm, and I'm your hero. You can bring this man to your tent, and you can take care of him. Don't be fools. (to the man) I'm sorry, don't be whining, you have done this to yourself. I'll check out that Eagle Cave. It's the most secure area within the area, and if there are any thieves in the area, whether either human or monster there will be a presence.

Then, head next to Eagle's Peak Cave. Near the Eagle you saw during the quest, climb up a rock pile. Then, you must grapple north. After that, climb a wall of rock and you'll be in the small cave where there are Aviansies. It was correct, provided that I didn't misspell it. There are still aviansies who have survived the God Wars. If you speak to one wearing Armadyl armor and an armadil-based pendant the aviansies will strike.

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