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The worst time I have had playing Runescape

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The worst time I have had playing Runescape n'a encore rien posté


Date de début
05-07-21 - 15:37


Date de fin
31-07-21 - 15:37
La description

It is older, returning players who ask questions we treat poorly. Unless they're asking about the state of Runescape(which implies they aren't invested in Runescape again yet), typically we bad mouth about how they might possibly be requesting whatever it is they are asking. The neighborhood is wise. If somebody is uninvested in Runescape, everyone is support towards them. No one cares if they spent.

So, I'm super tardy into the party and I apologize for this. I think using a query thread would be very beneficial in the long term. However, it's a matter of handling what the topics are. Because we can only have 2 at a time that's a massive bummer. I replied to someone earlier agreeing that we could start making a weekly post that links to news/update articles are added as the week goes on and they're published to Runescape's website. And I passed that suggestion on to the rest of the team. What we're doing today is a matter of,"What exactly do we think has to be viewed the many?" Having it on one single post and upgraded as needed could help solve that issue.

It has bothered me several times because I changed out of OSRS into RS3. I always thought the OSRS Reddit community was shitty but if I posted a question (if it be in a thread or it's own thread) people would not make me feel like I'm doing something disagreeable. I have always viewed the downvote button as like a correlation index, and only actually downvote stuff if it is wildly off topic. It looks like this sub just likes to downvote individuals for being new, I can't say I know it, but I don't really give a shit anymore. Should my questions maintain karma? They're just queries. Nothing inherently positive or negative about them. Do they? No, but sometimes they even back outside to impartial after initially getting several downvotes (seems some people are aware that downvoted questions get suppressed and try to bring them back up). It should not be like that.

It was. My friend convinced me to change over I maxed and got bored of OSRS once. We're buds irl and he informed his clan about me contemplating switching, they've a 2.4k complete restriction but they understood who I was so when I finally switched over they rated me in the clan straight off tut island and everyone was super welcoming and amazing, then I came here and felt like I had been kinda being told"fuck away noob." Being in a clan with a 2400 total req you're not supposed to be asking beginner questions, so at a stage I didn't really know where to turn and almost just decided to quit. Glad I didn't, Runescape is excellent. This sub needs work, but there are definitely a slew of very great helpful men and women who have been at it for quite a while, they deserve some credit too.

I'd like to add, it would make a sense if obtained downvoted. I feel like the entire hostility to questions thing is just another symptom of efficiencyscape, except instead of criticizing people for coaching abilities inefficiently, it's criticizing people for seeking answers inefficiently. Just the most efficient method (reading wiki) is enabled, everything else is incorrect, even though asking different players will nonetheless provide an answer.

So apparently people should play a singleplayer game and never talk to anybody because everything is about the wiki and there is no justification for creating conversations. Of course public chat is dead relative to 10 years back and folks talk more about politics than about Runescape, because politics is based on opinion and not about the wiki. I get it to a degree. The wiki did not exist for a whole lot of players. When I originally began (then quit, then moved to OSRS years later) we did not have a wiki. It is really only a case of"I learned Runescape the hard way, you can also" imo.

It creates a dynamic with noobs, but with prif and Menaphos noobs and maxed players hardly even run into each other out of the hub and clans. No one wants to be bombarded with idiotic questions and I'm sure the people who sit on this sub refreshing by feel like that. Anyway I really don't think I've played Runescape with all the wiki. If I'm not pvming I am definitely reading webpages while afking some shit. It sucks that I would rather read the wiki than speak to people beyond my clan while skilling however that I do not lose sleep over it.
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