Really is not that the matches have become worse, Cover Image


Really is not that the matches have become worse,

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Really is not that the matches have become worse, n'a encore rien posté


Date de début
25-06-21 - 04:00


Date de fin
15-07-21 - 11:02
La description

The courses also seem to be balanced, really. Even the paid one is not required to have fun, it's just different. And the Living Globe updates are a Whole Lot of fun

My friend told me to play WoW with him, and I decided to give it a go. And pretty sure we hit the"that you want to grind for quite a while or get X individuals to help you" wall. I got him into GW2, rather

I moved in and it was ok to begin with. I ended up in a pursuit that took me into a dungeon and I needed to stop as I needed to lfg to get into it, and if I got the guild to combine they had been overly levelled and one shot everything.

Ffxiv syncs everyone to the dungeon level and has a rapid four party dungeon finder/queue system, which is such a fantastic quality of life thing which it is a breeze to solo/group when and as you want.

Mahbe wow does that today, but it was such an oversight back once I attempted it, like it's such an obvious point to include to ensure everyone can hit the same story beats.

This is why WoW is becoming so shitty and getting just as bad as a money grab as everything else, like EA, using"micro"transactions for every tiny thing with absolutely horrible and soulless content. That is a direct quotation from Bobby Kotick, that bought Mediagenic that turned into Activision, which bought a plethora of gaming studios, and merged with Vivendi, and is currently Activision Blizzard:

I would really have to read/research a lot more. I really only know that it did happen; the when; how much it cost, etc., however I do not believe I ever saw the why. I didn't think Vivendi Games was ever that hard up for cash, but I guess something Activision had appeared enticing enough.

The two Vanilla and TBC classic are all outside, capable to experience as it was. And. . . And I'd say I enjoy the classic variations a lot less than retail now. It is a lot slower and simpler. It's more clunky. Rewards thing a great deal less because the PvE encounters are balanced about someone with performance issues and a lot worse sense and ability of the game.

Really is not that the matches have become worse, it is the player mindset which have changed. Coupled with a slew of tools for knowledge and learning. People wanting to take shortcuts instead of learning, leading them to feel as though it's a grind when they can not just jump to the rewards. People consume content a great deal faster and use a ton of crutches to perform it. They skip most of the exploring and trial and error parts, which is what they remember most lovingly in the old games, in favor for optimisation and min/max from the get go. A whole lot of optimization isn't even about doing things , but eliminating things all together. Which also leads to people whining that they"feel pressured" doing things because they are so used to having the ability to bypass it.

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