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Rsgoldfast - Money earning old-school Runescape may be certainly a circuit

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Rsgoldfast - Money earning old-school Runescape may be certainly a circuit n'a encore rien posté


Date de début
25-06-21 - 09:00


Date de fin
30-06-21 - 16:00
La description

Proceed to the aviansie and notify them of what occurred. They will congratulate you, stating Azzanadra's power was destroyed, and you can use the Jaldroacht altar with no worry. You could also input the Zaros GWD, so long as you've got 70 prayer to shield you from his sway. It is just like another GWDs.

You are far from done however. The aviansie tell you to head to Lucien's base and destroy the security system so they could get in. Head to Lucien's island through your boat. You will discover some new scenery: A massive maze, stuffed with larger demons, Nightmare Blades, and skeleton mages. Obviously, they noticed you were there. Create your way through. There are a few doors with mystery locks, and some you can thieve through.

Additionally, there are some obstacles you may woodcut or burn down. When you reach the doorway, the ghostly robes trick will not work on the guard: you have to kill him. When he's dead, Arrav will look and apologize to the fact he is about to be forced to kill you. He is level 180. When he expires , he chased his health. Your character will recall that the boneguard in Enakra's Temple, so throw Crumble Undead on Arrav. Arrav struggles, and regains control over himself because of the spell you cast on him.

Check out for more details.