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Mmoexp - Madden Quarterbacks need to have a speed stat

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Mmoexp - Madden Quarterbacks need to have a speed stat n'a encore rien posté


Date de début
11-06-21 - 06:00


Date de fin
30-06-21 - 16:00
La description

I diagnosed that my biggest flaw was in play. While I'm typically able to move the ball down the field in most issues against the computer, I relied upon guesswork when picking defensive formations -- and while you can just about get away with this against artificial intelligence, it is not possible to play this way against an online opponent, that can read everything you are doing and make alterations to attack it.

While my understanding is extremely basic, I am now picking plays with the intent of getting a specific outcome, instead of the guesswork I had been relying on earlier. And that understanding has helped me offensively, because I now know when I'm looking at a Cover-2 or a Blitz, and while I'm far from ideal at reading this, it's helped me to get some larger gains. Lobbing the ball out to my recipient in play-action, by way of instance, when I could see a cornerback is going to drop off into a deep zone, is an example of something I've learned that works.

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