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However, I must confess n'a encore rien posté


Date de début
20-04-21 - 10:00


Date de fin
21-05-21 - 08:00
La description

The next steps for me are to work on improving what I've got. There are better versions of Pogba and Kante, as an example, which would enhance my midfield for a fee; I would love to find someone like Eric Cantona upfront, however I still know that it's going to put me back millions of Coins. I'm at a stage now, with my squad, at which I am basically trading any cards that I earn and saving my Coins so I can make minor improvements to the gamers I've already got.

I have actually mostly enjoyed playing on the internet; no one utilizes a mic so I haven't encountered anywhere near the quantity of abuse I faced in Madden NFL 21. I did receive some very salty messages, but normally I think FIFA 21's matchmaking works nicely; I feel as though I am playing against players in a roughly similar ability level, and this is contributing to some competitive matches with fun ebbs-and-flows; occasionally I get roundly beaten by a better player, other times I win comfortably too. Fair.

Therefore, unlike Madden NFL 21, I believe I will continue playing throughout the remainder of the season. I'm well on my way to qualifying for a Weekend League now, and while I would expect to get thumped with that kind of contest, I have set myself a goal to keep advancing my squad and see how I match up in that sort environment; I'll definitely write about my very first Weekend League after I create it. If I could get just one win, I'd be very pleased.

I really do think FIFA 21's Ultimate Team puts a bit too much emphasis in your squad; a better player with the identical squad will conquer you, however, a much better player with a team that is better will surely demolish you. With a few cards over 90 bringing prices in the millions, it doesn't always feel totally honest. But constructing a team that is competitive is addictive, and I'm not sure it'd have the same appeal if you may easily add, state, Cristiano Ronaldo to your roster.

I think what the game needs is a much better suite of modes, particularly for offline play. Squad Battles was useful for me when I was learning how to play the game, but I compare it to something such as Conquest and Showdown in MLB The Show 21, and I am much more compelled to actually use my gamers offline in these modes than I'm to do anything at FIFA 21. There is plenty EA Sports could do here, but it seems as though it's put all of its attention on multiplayer, and left solo play to languish.

However, I must confess, I have garnered a larger appreciation for FIFA 21's gameplay now I'm playing at a better benchmark. I still think there are some big problems; AI controlled players act strangely occasionally, and it could be infuriating when you're in an online situation and a participant refuses to jog towards a loose ball or your pass goes entirely astray for no rhyme or reason. But I am playing like"real football" now, and that I even surprised myself how, when viewing the current Chelsea and Manchester United match at the Premier League, I was paying more attention to the roles of every player on the pitch and also considering how I'd be managing each offensive and defensive encounter.

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