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Phantasy Star Online 2: What to Expect in Episode 4

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Phantasy Star Online 2: What to Expect in Episode 4 n'a encore rien posté


Date de début
18-12-20 - 15:09


Date de fin
30-04-21 - 15:09
La description

Most people who were interested about Phantasy Star Online 2 tried it years back. And gamers who have stuck with it because can't move their characters to the servers and would find less content even if they did, so it feels like a case of too little, too late for the game. At any rate, it was cool to play the match with everything being in English for once.

Phantasy Star Online 2: What to Expect in Episode 4

Phantasy Star Online 2's big update is just 1 month off. Here's what content players can look forward to when Episode 4 releases. Sega has teased the match's first major upgrade since launching on Twitter. If you have never played with the Japanese version of PSO2, it may look a bit mad, but just because it is a big departure from Episodes One through Three. There's a lot of new content on the road and some huge changes. Here is what to look forward to with the upcoming release of Episode Four.

Rather than continuing with Xiao or the Dark Falz plots, players can cross to Earth in Phantasy Star Online 2. In the game, Earth exists and acts as a transport between the measurements. Episode Four follows similar plot lines to popular anime series such as Sword Art Online or Accel World where video game characters cross around Earth, and people with a specific affinity can enter PSO2. It is a peculiar, light-hearted change from the sci-fi, balance of the cosmos episodes that gamers have experienced up to now.

In true arcade mode, the key characters consist largely of high schoolers with this special affinity, and strange events start to happen around them. On the PSO2 side, you are going to meet some new personalities and find older ones return, though most do not have a major function. A lot of the plot takes place on Earth and involves discovering the schedule of a high-tech business, which eventually culminates in a lore link to PSO2's entire world. It's largely a one off Episode, but the connection to Earth stays forever open on earth of PSO2. Since gamers will be traveling to Earth, you will find new Earth-related locales and enemies. One has already been released in the Shape of the Urgent Quest, Virtual Earth Fight Coaching. Another new principal location is the streets of Toyko, even though it is not clear whether Sega intends to change this to the North American audience. Additionally, there are other locations for the story and new Urgent Quests, like the Moon.

If you want to know more about POS2, you can visit